So we learned about disease outbreaks today (list inside).. and it makes you want to live in a bubble. Now I am reading about gonorrhoeae..
Gonorrhoeae - rectal and pharngeal infections are more commonly asymptomatic then genital infections. And ocular infections have serious consequences.. so that means don't ...
outbreak list:
FL 7 cases: Hepatitis after acupuncture
IL 18 cases: Niacin poisoning after hot cereal
NJ 27 GI symptoms, 8 neurotoxicity after poke/jimsonweed
OR/CA/MO: 168 cases campylobacter after raw milk
WI 1 case Tick paralysis after walk in woods
CO 13 cases Amebiasis after colonic irrigation
AL 8 cases Trichinosis after grizzly bear meat
CA 2 cases Plague from cats
WA 2 cases ocular gonorrhea after unknown activity
CA 5 cases pneumocystis pneumonia after amyl nitrate
OR 23 cases Clostridium perfringens after chicken salad
GA 73 cases P.aeroginosa dermatitis from a whirlpool
AZ 23 cases lead poisoning after gasoline sniffing
CA 2 cases fish tapeworm infections from salmon sushi
TX 78 cases typhoid from barbacoa
OH 27 cases psittacosis in turkey processers