In response to
"When is it over?"
whimper. (massive spoilers)
Posted by
a-maine-da (aka amanda)
Nov 19 '09, 18:54
I'm done *rotating* the first friday in january.
and then I get "special project"ed until I find a job. it looks right now like my "special project" will be in maine.
"special project" lasts between a month and...
oh god. tim's "special project" lasted seven months.
so as much as there's an end in sight, there's no end in sight.
and, as they keep telling me, a job is not guaranteed. so who knows what the fuck will happen? I could wind up unemployed living in maryland and homicidal.
it's not cool.
but I'm done rotating the first week in january.
I might die. I mean, I seriously might. nothing could have prepared me for this. nothing.