In response to
"See, I don't get this. *maybe* if it were a single indiscretion. "
i'd think of it this way: Tiger gets married, tries to stay faithful, it works for like a year (six months? a week?), and then he cheats.
Posted by
Dec 8 '09, 09:59
he decides he is smart and powerful enough to keep it under wraps and not hurt Elin by telling her. he gets presented with opportunity #2. he goes "well, the vow is already broken; is cheating twice all that worse than cheating once?" and does it again. wash, rinse, repeat. each individual transgression is seen as less and less damaging considering the trouble he'd already be in if his plan to keep it a secret fails, so his ability to stop himself is decreased even further because the consequences are being removed.
then, someone pulls the tablecloth off the table really fast, and all hell breaks loose.