wotd: concomitantly.
Posted by
b. (aka starrynit)
Jan 27 '10, 12:00
Main Entry: 1con�com�i�tant
Pronunciation: \-mə-tənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin concomitant-, concomitans, present participle of concomitari to accompany, from com- + comitari to accompany, from comit-, comes companion � more at count
Date: 1607
: accompanying especially in a subordinate or incidental way
� con�com�i�tant�ly adverb
used in a sentence: b., upon seeing this word used in a description of an upcoming talk, laughs and winces. the speaker is a great guy and supersmart. I hope he doesn't keep his talk at that level for the kind of general audience, though. eep.