update on my mom from earlier this week .. "T'was the best of the times, it was the worst of times" edition ...
so, mum went to the hospital monday evening, turns out she was having a nasty kidney stone attack .... stones on both sides ... she's passed the stones on one side completely ... still has the gift that keeps on giving on the other .... they did a stress test and some other things to make sure it was only kidney stones (she has a history or heart probs) and so far all looks good, if there's a bright side to saying you kidneys are stoned pretty well. ....
and, well, she came home wednesday evening ,,,
then last night i was in the ER ... thought it was now my turn for kidney stones .... the long and short of it ? i have gastritis .... got a scrip for lortabs and hoping this will straighten out soon enough without me having to make another trip to the hospital ....
so, yeah, this week has sucked somewhat