In response to
"I'm not asking you to defend the Bloc. I'm asking you to defend Quebeckers. "
Name Withheld By Request
Sorry, Quebeckers won't be Canadians before Quebeckers anytime soon
Posted by
Guigue (aka Guigue)
Nov 27 '08, 14:33
That's just how things are. Even though I think we have a lot of point in common, the language barrier is too important, and that goes both way.
During election time, the bloc acts all anti-Canada because they have a portion of separatists to please. But I'm sure in parliament, it's different. They bring ideas, discuss the matter at hands. I don't think they're more useless than the NDP.
And I'd say thanks for "defending" us, but you said in your first paragraph that you didn't believe any of it, so I'll pass.
If it makes you feel any better, there's no talk of a referendum right now, and the support for independence is not high at all.
A lot of people don't vote for the Bloc because they want independence. They just do because it's the only party that talks their language, figuratively and literally