Well, that was interesting. I guess the same weather they're having in Idaho and Oregon extends all the way to SoCal. Yesterday the wind was
Posted by
MojaveMeg (aka Mojave)
May 23 '10, 14:31
so bad (and icy cold) that we were having trouble standing in it. Lots of fun on rocky hillsides. We spent the better part of the afternoon looking for a place with enough shelter to put up our tents. Managed to make dinner without the stove blowing off the table, and went to bed early.
By midnight there wasn't a breath of wind.
Got up this morning and fixed breakfast and the wind started again. My passenger and I decided at that point that home would be much more comfortable. The rest of the group were reserving judgement until later, but may come home tonight. We were planning to be out there until tomorrow.
It's the end of May fur crying out loud. This is completely wrong!!!