Meg - I will only use self-checkout if it is available. I think that a lot of the problems that arise are due to "user error". :)
Posted by
kelly (aka kelly)
Jun 8 '10, 15:04
I have noticed that 99% of the time, the people I'm in back of that are bitching about how self checkout doesn't work, don't realize that the system recognizes weight. If someone is throwing items in a bag and immediately takes the bag off of the bagging area and into the cart, the system goes a little wonky because it didn't recognize the last item you put into the bag. One woman last week was FURIOUS because she kept getting the screen for "I don't want to bag this item" - I explained to her that if she keeps throwing the item into the cart rather than bagging it, there is nothing to be weighed so the system doesn't recognize what is going on.
I have very little problems if I do it this way: Make sure you have 2 bags opened up next to each other. Fill one bag, then the other, and once it's time to fill a new bag, take the first one you filled off of the bagging area. Switch as you go along. If you leave hte bag you last put an item into, and take the one that has been sitting at it's recognized weight longer, you don't get an error message.
Ok, I wasn't aware of the weight thing, and nothing was explained to me. When I realized everything was going into a plastic bag, when I had a
Jun 8, 15:18
I use it at Costco because otherwise you have to rip out each coupon, yet they all have the same code on them!! -- nm
Mop (221 lbs)
Jun 8, 15:14
Yeah, I'm down with it, but unless we don't have a lot of stuff, I don't bother dragging KD through it. She'd rather wait in line. -- nm
Name Withheld By Request
Jun 8, 15:10
the first time I used it was a gong show. The checkout machine got confused by the various store cards and airmiles. A cashier had to fix it.
Jun 8, 15:06
There's a lot of technically challenged people out there. Personally I get along fine with it. -- nm
Jun 8, 15:04