IKA question ... short of hacking into someone else's account, how can a person know ...
what a player is expanding in their town ? can this be done with a spy in place, monitoring what they're building ?
i ask because someone i haven't communicated with in-game just out of the blue sent me a lot of lumber and marble, and messaged me to the effet that "it's to improve your town hall 2 levels" ...
well, i needed to expand my shipyard as well, and i started that expansion before i bothered to check my messages and saw what this guy was saying / doing ... and he has messaged me back asking why i was expanding my shipyard, "and please use the materials for the reason i sent them to you or else I'll have to pillage you to get them back ... "
oh, and he won't even bother telling me WHY he sent me the stuff so i can do this ....
i just find it curious