In response to
"Get off I-5 on one of the downtown exits. Head north toward Queen Anne on either 4th or 6th -- nm"
sfek! Get on either 4th or 6th, going up the hill. Your park will be close to the intersection of 5th and 12th. 5th comes down the hill, so if you go
Posted by
Trish (aka Trisha)
Jul 31 '10, 16:37
past 12th, you'll need to cut over to 5th to come back down. So you don't get confused downtown, 5th is the street under the monorail track. You could even go down by the waterfront and take Alaska Way toward Ballard, but cut over to 4th right before you get to Seattle Center. Basically you want to get to a large kiddie park around the base of Queen Anne, dealing with one way streets. Remember odd avenues south, even north, odd streets west, even east.