Talked with the loan agent doing the financing on my next Vegas house. She is good at getting loans but OMG is she evil. Can't believe stuff she said.
Apparently I'm not evil enough to be a landlord. She went over the documentation of my rental income from the first house, and told me that I'm not charging enough. Most tenants are bad with money so if you don't take it from them they'll just waste it somewhere else. Plus, if I charge more they won't ever get out of living paycheck to paycheck and will be beholden to me for a long time.
Also, when a guy is late, I'm supposed to mess up their credit (I have no idea how to even do this) because then they won't be able to rent at most apartment complexes that run credit checks, and they'll be stuck with me. Then I should raise the rent, which is supposedly legal because late means more risk.
I feel bad now that I'm using her. She has such a screw the over attitude that just seems so wrong. She even said, if somebody can only afford to rent a room by the time they are 25 they obviously won't amount to anything and will just be on the fringe of society doing menial service jobs for the rest of their life and I shouldn't cut them any breaks because then they will just expect everyone to give them a break when they clearly don't deserve it.
I'd fire her and use somebody else but I'm probably too close my escrow date to start the process over with somebody else. I honestly want to fire her or at least write her a note afterwards saying I'm going to go somewhere else because I don't like her horrible exploitative attitude. My realtor (who is awesome) loves her because she is fast and competent and only gave me one name when I asked for a couple. So I'm stuck with her for now. Ugh.