In response to
"do it -- nm"
You've been warned. And honestly, I think Meredith's advice to her is way off the mark.
Posted by
Diva (aka Diva)
Aug 31 '10, 07:43
I am 27 and have been in an on-again, off-again relationship for seven years with a man who is a month older than I am. My ex, as I cannot refer to him as my boyfriend, has told me repeatedly that he is afraid of committing to me, due mostly, he says, to the fact that I have "rage problems." I have never physically harmed him, but have on two occasions grabbed his cell phone only to discover that he had been texting inappropriately and calling other women. He continues to limit his communication with me, and I find myself becoming obsessive about calling him. I wonder constantly where he is, what he is doing, and why he is not answering my calls or texts. I've explained to him that if he communicated better with me, I could "back off" and act like the independent woman that I am. If he backed away completely, I could see myself moving on, but the moment in which I'm moving away from him BOOM he's back in my life, telling me he loves me, wants to provide for me, but just isn't ready YET.
This is a very complicated relationship, but it seems to be the typical push and pull in some male and female relationships. The more I pull away, the more he comes back to me. The more he pushes me away, the more I desire his company. It's exhausting. I am tired. But I love him. How do I move on and not act crazy calling him 30 times in a row? How do I move on and meet someone new who doesn't bore me? I know in my heart we'll be happier with other people, but I love him. Help!
� Can't Let Go, Boston
Diva sez: I'll just hand this one over to CQ.
Am I the only one who doesn't see the crazy in this?
Aug 31, 08:23
Oh man. Bunny boiler. -- nm
Aug 31, 08:13
Seek profressional help. (nm)
Will Hunting
Aug 31, 08:00
- [deleted]
I need a new red pencil after having underlined all of the crazy in that
Aug 31, 07:50
I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan! -- nm
Aug 31, 07:48
I'm impressed she figured out how to write a letter. -- nm
Aug 31, 07:47
Aug 31, 07:46
Aug 31, 07:54