I've always found it interesting that people object to being excluded from something they don't believe in in the first place
Posted by
oblique (aka kkuphal)
Sep 9 '10, 10:54
I've said those words before "only way" and I've come to have a better understanding now and I wouldn't say it now. It just always struck me as odd that if you don't believe in the Christian God, then what do you care if you've been damned by him or excluded from his heaven?
My objection isn't to being excluded -- nm
Roger More
Sep 9, 11:06
Adults can deal with this very well, you're right. Personally, religious people have been talking this way to me since I was a child.
Sep 9, 11:00
By the same token, if you don't believe your faith intereferes with your evolution, why would you be upset at the "Evolve Beyond Belief" billboard?
Sep 9, 10:56
Because in that case, it's not god who is doing the actual damning. -- nm
Sep 9, 10:56
- [deleted]
Heh! -- nm
Sep 9, 10:54