A silly half hour on the phone with CS of office depot trying to buy a gift card...head/desk desk/head
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Dec 17 '08, 23:34
on one of those web sites with cool deals, office depot is offering 20% off gift cards. hey not bad?
remember you guys suggested it would be a good gift for someone opening a new office soon.
so i enter the info, get the discount, but they charged sales tax. wtf? a gift card is basically cash on deposit, you know when you use it they charge sales tax on the items you use it on.
so I call and get some ding, around and around, first off, they have $100 cards, but no discounts on them, so I get 10 $10 cards. fine,
the only solution to the problem is, she was allowed to sell the cards for $9 and then apply the 20 percent code then charge tax on that which was less than the $8 I was expecting.