STISAF: My brotherand i are lookking for songs available on itunes about moonshine prefer rock to country.
although, country may end up being reequired . may it at least be cool like patsy cline and kjohnny cash.
Rockytop Tennesesse (corn don't grow on old rocky top, grounds too rocky by far, that's why all the folks on Rocky top drink their corn from jars -- nm
A zeitgeist inna pear tree
Dec 25, 20:17
"My daddy made whiskey, and he made it well. Cost $2, but it burns like Hell." the Grateful Dead's Brown Eyed Women -- nm
black peter
Dec 25, 18:54
"Portland, Oregon" by Loretta Lynne (featuring Jack White) is about sloe gin, a type of moonshine. -- nm
Dec 25, 18:53
hmmm, Metallica's version of Whiskey in the Jar? -- nm
loosilu on mobile in Kentucky
Dec 25, 18:48
From that typing, I think you might have had a little too much moonshine already :) -- nm
Dec 25, 18:48
hmmm, Metallica's version of Whiskey in the Jar? -- nm
loosilu on mobile in Kentucky
Dec 25, 18:47
Don't Fight It. -- nm
Dec 25, 18:43
Copperhead Road. -- nm
Dec 25, 18:41