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Posts: 59
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*ding* Got My Mind Set On You 1987 -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 21:44
*bzzt* not John or Paul -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 21:43
*bzzt* later than 1980 -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 21:34
watching the Scorsese Beatles doc quiz: what was the last solo #1 by any of the individual members? (it’s the same in US or UK) -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 21:13
because of the way vacancy appointments work, Wray can be fired on Inauguration Day and Patel would get 200 days as Acting FBI Director off the bat -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 20:13
so it sounds like my neighbor saw Wicked and is now a real big fan
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 18:20
might as well fill up the stadiums with water and make them play with sharks next year
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 18:12
thanks for upholding the norms, Joe! -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 16:25
Bashar al Assad, the North London ophthalmologist? -- (link)
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 15:55
fair question to ask the incoming administration what they’re gonna do if their third-favorite mideast stooge isn’t running Syria anymore -- (link)
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 13:34
“We didn’t cheat this time!” -- (link)
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 13:32
USC has a chance to do the funniest thing ever -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 13:21
well at least the Dems learned their lesson at the ballot box -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 11:48
MTM was the best to ever do it -- (link)
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 11:46
my theory of 70s box office insanity is that baby boomers just happened to all be entering their 30s at the same time -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 11:25
*ding* is the word -- (link)
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 10:57
*bzzt* at least domestically -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 10:54
good guess but *bzzt* -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 10:51
*bzzt* (not adjusted, which actually makes it more impressive) -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 10:50
*bzzt* (wasn’t an adaptation of anything from the stage, but LaLa Land is highest grossing original anyway) -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 30 '24, 10:49
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