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If they could dial it back down from 11, I'd be more inclined to watch.
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 14:53
Nissan is smart enough not to say that too openly or too publicly. BORK BORK BORK! -- (edited)
Swedish Chef (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 13:30
"Ice Age 6: Directed by Uwe Boll" -- nm
Swedish Chef (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 13:12
Bork bork! -- nm
Swedish Chef (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 12:51
I found even attempting to use cruise control driving anywhere within 150 miles of DC was useless -- if not dangerous. -- nm
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 11:29
I'm tempted to urge the Democrats to just walk out of each chamber in protest.
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 11:27
Top Gear brings the funny. -- (link)
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 11:25
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 11:18
I don't think an M&M would do much in that regard. -- nm
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 11:16
Who cares about Iowa anyway? -- (edited)
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 09:34
Not just heard.
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 08:35
Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas -- nm
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 08:33
That was similar to our address on the farm in Nebraska -- just a rural route number, not a geographical address. And the RRN would change
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 08:32
Yes, at least here in Portland.
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 08:10
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 08:09
I'm in the midst of scrubbing those and my social media accounts. Trying to minimize my digital footprint as much as possible. -- nm
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 08:04
That looks completely awesome. -- nm
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 07:37
I think Chase is the anti-Derrick Henry.
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 07:37
Can we talk some more about Ja'Marr Chase? -- nm
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 07:21
The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist's Guide to the Climate Crisis; The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation (Cory Doctorow);
ReluctantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 8 '24, 07:20
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