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Posts: 42
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TBC, the shorter layovers were at Montreal and Toronto. -- nm
Nov 27 '24, 09:15
speaking of...
Nov 27 '24, 09:02
CA-13 will be a Dem flip -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 27 '24, 08:52
96% audience score. Between my family and ST everyone I know who has seen it loves it -- nm
Beaker 🍺 (aka Anniebecca)
Nov 27 '24, 08:41
My favorite of theirs - but I would think it qualifies. -- nm
Jim (aka Jim)
Nov 27 '24, 07:00
For anyone above a certain means the answer is none -- nm
Nov 26 '24, 11:02
No Latino no tacos, no lgbtq and most entertainment is hallmark movies. My town is well diverse black Asian mex and native -- nm
Nov 26 '24, 10:40
kinda rude to include white people twice -- nm
oblique (aka kkuphal)
Nov 26 '24, 10:29
I agree with ty97. Or maybe concur?
RelucantCynic (aka ReluctantCynic)
Nov 26 '24, 09:07
Question for you
Strongbad (aka Rambler14)
Nov 26 '24, 08:56
they haven't so far on his shitshow of rapist, crook, corrupt nominees to fill the government in 50 days -- nm
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 26 '24, 08:50
Whatever reality the Magaians need to have created for them, will be created.
Jovian (aka Jovian)
Nov 26 '24, 08:47
B0: There is no record and no truth. Everyone hears what they want. World burns. -- nm
oblique (aka kkuphal)
Nov 26 '24, 08:45
It was the loudest applause at the end of a film I've heard since Avengers Endgame. -- nm
Inigo (aka Inigo)
Nov 26 '24, 07:20
Correct. It's becoming a thing. Went to Target Saturday and it was playing over the speakers and they had Wicked stands in the main aisles.
Volnelk (aka Volnelk)
Nov 26 '24, 07:13
And a Part 2 windfall -- nm
Nov 26 '24, 07:07
personally, i'm skeptical that 42 consecutive months of job gains are sustainable for another 42 consecutive months
mr mooch (aka pickmix)
Nov 25 '24, 11:50
Fwiw, I don’t know that their actual market predictions ever matched their macro rhetoric. -- (edited)
Nov 25 '24, 11:46
There are a number of photography techniques that involve combining images
Beryllium (aka grayman)
Nov 25 '24, 11:07
There are no photos that are exactly equal to what you see with your eyes.
Nov 25 '24, 10:56
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